Lynn Adib, Hasan & Rami Nakhleh

Lynn Adib, Hasan & Rami Nakhleh
Brothers Hasan and Rami Nakhleh grew up on the Golan Heights. Under the name TootArd, they have revitalised the sounds that people danced to in the 1960s and 1970s in Cairo, Damascus and Beirut in their very own way, winning over a large fan-base in the process.
As part of the Morgenland Festival Osnabrück, they will meet the Syrian singer Lynn Adib for the first time. Adib studied Arabic music in Damascus and jazz in Paris, and has released three highly acclaimed albums between 2018 and 2022.
The focus of the programme is on pieces in which the Arabic electric organ and the guitar are placed in the foreground, two instruments that decisively shaped the unmistakable sound and mood of Arabic music in those vibrant decades. Says Hasan: “This musical evening aims to bridge the gap between generations and foster a new appreciation for the cultural and musical heritage contained in these forgotten jewels.”
Lynn Adib – vocals
Rami Nakhleh – rhythm, bass
Hasan Nakhleh – e-guitar, keyboard
A combined ticket is available for this event.